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The Parents' Association

St. Michael's National School is proud to have a very active and effective  Parents' Association for many years. 
The Parents'  Association is the structure through which parents/guardians in a school can
work together for the best possible education for their children.
The Education Act, 1998 sets down the role of the Parents' Association.
The Parents' Association works with the principal and staff to build effective partnership of home
and school.
The Parents' Association is the voice of parents that can feed into school policy through the
The Parent’s Association is a support for parents/guardians in the school.
The Parents'Association can invite speakers to address the parent/guardians on issues which are topical
or relevant.
The Parents' Association is not a forum for complaints but a support to parents/guardians and to the school
The Parents' Association at St Michaels will engage in fundraising to deliver positive events and
treats at various times throughout the year. (communions, confirmations, graduations,
Christmas treats)
All parents/Guardians are welcome to participate in the Parents' Association. This year sees a
newly appointed committee and we welcome new members to the committee. We welcome
parents/guardians who may be available to help when required at fun days/fundraising/various events.


Chairperson: Ms. Christina Nestor

Secretary: Ms. Vicky Williams Byrne

Treasurer: Ms. Margaret Mekitarian


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